Hatching Eggs and Day Old Chicks
Hatching eggs and day old chicks will be available for purchase beginning in the spring. The dual purpose breeds will be available on a regular basis, unless otherwise noted on this website or our Facebook page. The "funky' breeds will be available at different times, or hatched to order. Prices will be added closer to the spring season. Please check back often or email us with any questions.
Hatching eggs will be available in all breeds that we have here on the Homestead.
These include:
Rhode Island Reds
Plymouth Barred Rocks
Black and Blue Copper Marans (limited availability)
Silkies (Assorted Black, White, Red,
Partridge, Naked Neck,
Several varieties of Polish,
Embden Geese
Several varieties of Ducks to include
Muscovy, Black Swedish, Welsh Harlequin
Northern Bobwhite Quail
ALSO...Snowflake Bobwhite Quail
We are certified NC NPIP/AI Clean